Celebrating Women: PSAs raise awareness, reach broad audience in Azerbaijan

March 8, 2013

A screenshot of a PSA produced by Counterpart’s program in Azerbaijan, the Women’s Participation Program.


In honor of International Women’s Day, Counterpart will be highlighting women around the world. Enjoy this post and the others posted today, March 8, 2013:


“Don’t shatter the dreams of your children. They do not dream of an early marriage!”

That’s the message of the latest Public Service Announcement produced through Counterpart’s Women’s Participation Program in Azerbaijan. It takes on the sensitive issue of early child marriage.

“You see increasingly the trend of young girls being married off at a very young age – 13 to 14 to 16 years old – before they’ve even had opportunity to form as full fledge individuals, complete their education, learn about the world and what they want to do with their lives,” says Altinay Kuchukeeva, Senior Program Officer at Counterpart.

The Women’s Participation Program seeks to raise awareness of issues like this, by creating PSAs, holding conferences and events, supporting local organizations with similar missions, and advancing women’s influence in political processes.

Watch the three PSAs released this week:

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