Ann Hudock, President & CEO, Statement on Unrest in the United States

January 7, 2021

Counterpart’s mission is focused on helping people around the world enjoy their right to assemble and to raise their voices in common cause. Here in the United States, we cherish those freedoms. But freedom is not license and violent attacks on institutions of democracy cannot stand.

As you reflect on all of this, I offer you my own reflections as to how I think we move forward. We need to decide some things first. Will we tolerate lawless groups of violent mobs destroying our democratic institutions and values including our right to assemble peacefully? We will not.

Will we allow the actions of misguided groups intent on destruction to crowd out hope for a better future with a more inclusive society? We will not.

Will we let the images of the siege and occupancy of the Capitol by lawless individuals overshadow powerful images of progress like those of Reverend Warnock in Georgia elected as the first Black Senator from the state? We will not.

We will carry on and we will carry forward. Together. Toward a brighter, more durable democracy for all.

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